Weblogic 10.3.6 For Windows 64 Bit


Is WebLogic Server 10.3.6 for Windows 7 64-bit?? Hey, I have a question for you. I'm on Windows 2008 R2 Xeon 64 bit. I've downloaded and installed both SunJDK and JRockit JDK to use the 64bit Weblogic generic installer: find default java version. Cd c: java -version java version '1.6.0_31' Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_31-b05) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.6-b01, mixed mode) just to make sure. Cd C: Program Files Java jrockit-jdk1.6.0_29-R28.2.2-4.1.0 C: Program Files Java jrockit-jdk1.6.0_29-R28.2.2-4.1.0>java -version java version '1.6.0_31' Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_31-b05) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.6-b01, mixed mode) Install 64-bit WLS SET JAVA_HOME='C: Program Files Java jrockit-jdk1.6.0_29-R28.2.2-4.1.0' cd OracleBinaries%JAVA_HOME% bin java -jar wls1036_generic.jar -mode=GUI -log=logs Wls1036Install.log installs w/o a hitch. But i go to install ofm_idm_win_11. and it gets to the Domain Creation screen and then reports: INST-07408, unable to install product on a 32 bit JVM on a 64 bit machine.

Windows 64-bit Installer

So, i'm thinking that despite my best efforts, the 1036 version of WLS is not 64bit. What do you think? You can check the%WL_HOME% common bin commEnv. Pcd Calculator Software there. cmd, make sure the following contents are.

Hi, My goal is to install forms and reports builder on Windows 10 x86_64 bit machine. I came to know that there is a pre requisite to install weblogic 10.3.6 while i.

Pcanywhere 11 Download Free. C WebLogic Server Installers. X86 64-bit machines. Includes WebLogic. X installation to version 10.3.6. Windows 32-bit. ORACLE-BASE - An overview of the installation of Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.6) on Windows (64-bit).

@rem Choose proper WebLogic jni libraries set WL_USE_X86DLL= false set WL_USE_IA64DLL= false set WL_USE_AMD64DLL= true or you can also start a weblogic server, and from the%Domain_Name% servers%Weblogic Server Name% logs%Weblogic Server Name%.log file, find the 'sun.arch.data.model', the value should be 64. By the way, the weblogic server itself doesn't have 32-bit or 64-bit, it just a weblogic.Server class instance running on jvm, the weblogic server isn't a pure-java java ee application server, and there are much java code and some native library, such as weblogic native io library, nodemanager native library, stackdump native library and so on. Similar Messages • Hi, I have been trying to find the weblogic server(10.3.5), CO(13.4), BO(13.4) and POS(13.4) installable for Windows server 2008(64bit) but am unable to find them in e-delivery or anywhere else on Oracle website. Can anyone please provide me the link for these software downloads.

Hi On this below link, look for older versions of Weblogic Server which is at the bottom of the page. Expand for WLS 10.3.5. You need Weblogic Server + Coherence package installer. Download the generic jar installer. See this below post for more details: Re: Why So Difficult To Find WebLogic Server 10.xx for Windows 7 64-bit??

Thanks Ravi Jegga • Hello everybody, following situation: We want to implement a Microsoft Cluster (Failover) with MS Cluster Service and 2 nodes (maybe later we try the Weblogic Software clustering with load balancing as a part of an documentum and infotehna DMS). On both nodes we made the same test installation of the Weblogic Server 6.1 and started it with services (instead of cmd-file). It's working fine seperate on every node, than we started to implement the MSCS on these machines and only one node is working.

On the other node (after a failover to this node) the service started but break down only a few seconds later. Now, my question is: Can we use the Weblogic Server 6.1 in an Windows 2000 Advanced Server Failover Cluster with 2 nodes? Or do we need a special Add-on to do this??? Best regards, Ronny Ronny, I'm don't know the specifics of MS Cluster Service but given that it works like other common HA frameworks (assumption on my part) you may need to use the MS cluster framework in isolation from the 'software-based' clustering approach that WLS 6.x currently provides. For example, in other HA Frameworks there is typically a heartbeat mechanism that informs the framework that a node is dead and the framework in turn calls scripts that migrate the failed node 'applications' over to the healthy node.

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