Nefesh Hachaim

Sefer Nefesh HachaimNefesh Hachaim Book

Now, the classic sefer by the 'father of the yeshiva movement' is finally available in English! In Nefesh Hachaim, Rav Chaim of Volozhin -- foremost disciple of the Vilna Gaon -- shares his outlook on many fundamental Jewish beliefs. It is well-known that before the author's passing, he urged his son to publish the Nefesh Hachaim before any of his other works, since he passionately wished to influence the people to achieve greater fear of G-d and intense love of Torah.

Kollel Nefesh HaChaim, an English speaking kollel in Jerusalem primarily but not exclusively for baalei tscuvah, provides a highly skills-oriented program, including Hebrew and Aramaic grammar, for young married Torah students.

The themes he deals with are many and varied. He discusses the profound impact that our mitzvos and prayers have on the universe; an understanding of berachos (blessings), the nature of the soul and of Olam Haba (the World to Come); whether one should combine Torah study with earning a livelihood, and whether man is greater than the angels, to name just a few. This classic work, now in English for the first time, will hopefully achieve the author's heartfelt desire -- for all Jews to deepen their commitment to Torah study and their observance of mitzvos, so that we may ultimately merit to see the fulfillment of the verse, All your children will be students of Hashem, and your children's peace will be abundant (Yeshayah 54:13). Coh 2 Custom Maps Install. This beautiful new edition contains a thorough subject index and the complete Hebrew text of the sefer. (Hebrew text in print edition only, not in e-book edition.) Note: The Kabbalistic sections of the sefer have been left untranslated. Translated by: Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Finkel Hardcover 5.5' x 8.5' 368 pages ISBN 210 e-Book ISBN 548.

Skills oriented program designed for rapid advancement Job placement program Small classes with much personal attention Hebrew grammar Aramaic grammar All backgrounds welcomed Connection with world renowned Jerusalem Yeshivah Life coaching And much much more! About us Kollel Nefesh HaChaim provides an intensive, highly skills-oriented program of one to three years, including Hebrew and Aramaic grammar, for young married Torah students. The Kollel is English speaking and based in Jerusalem. Our institution is designed for late starters and less advanced students who no longer belong in the conventional baal teshuva program, but are not yet ready to take the next step. Kollel Nefesh HaChaim helps to save many young men and women from falling into the gap that lies between these two worlds, and stand them solidly on their own two feet. As our logo says: 'Simply bridging the gap!' Our unique job placement program, guides our students (most of them university graduates) to careers in computing, engineering and other fields as well as advanced rabbinical programs.

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