Indesign Brush Stroke Styles


Slayer Soundtrack Apocalypse. I wanted a dashed rule to link objects — always on the same page — in a long (120+ pages) InDesign document. Download Myspace H4ck V2.1 Rapidshare there. I created a 2pt wide rule with the colour and tint I wanted and with dashes of 1pt and gaps of 1.5pt. I then selected that rule and used it to define an object style called “Link Line”. However, when I inserted a new rule and clicked on the “Link Line” object style in the Object Style pallet, the weight, colour and tint are right but the dashes are the default 6pt with 3pt gaps. So if I want my little dashes, either I have to recreate them every time (very UN-InDesign!) or else create each new rule by copying and pasteing and then relocating its start and end points — kinda last year. Have I missed something? Riddimentary Diplo Selects Greensleeves Zip Software. Hey, I’m on a winner this time!

Brush Stroke RestaurantIndesign Brush Stroke Styles
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