Swat 4 Weapons

Swat 4 Weapons

Ad blocker interference detected! Wikia is a free-to-use site that makes money from advertising. We have a modified experience for viewers using ad blockers. Irrational Games was the developer for both SWAT 4 and. Players can carry 4 magazines for the weapon. Only the SWAT team can use this weapon in multiplayer.

Swat 4 Weapon Mods

SWAT teams aren't exactly search and destroy groups. As police officers, they're function is most usually to capture suspects without the use of deadly force. Chevening Scholarship Program. While less lethal methods of subduing suspects aren't always successful in the field and deadly force can be used, most teams are equipped with a plethora of weapons and devices for taking down suspects with a much lower risk of death. Anything from pepper spray to stinger grenades can render a person useless.

While this isn't something any of us here at IGN have tried, we've heard that the effects of these weapons are seriously, but temporarily, debilitating. Only the strongest and craziest of folk can fight through the efffects., developers of, were nice enough to write up some information on the less lethal (meaning there is still some chance of fatality) weapons and tactical aids found in the game. Not only are there convenient descriptions below, but they've also provided a nice video to not only show off the use of such weapons as the Pepper-ball Gun and Taser Stun Gun, but also the in-game effects of devices like the Flash Bang and Stinger grenades. After playing the game, I can tell you they can really mess you up and cause no end of embarrassment in multiplayer games as you get arrested instead of killed. Soda Pdf 5. Read on and then to check out that movie! Primary Weapons Pepper-ball Gun The Pepper-ball gun is based on technology originally designed for recreational paintball. Compressed Carbon Dioxide ejects the ammunition at relatively high velocities.

The Pepper-ball gun allows officers to quickly deploy OC at specific targets, in more easily controlled quantities, and at significantly longer ranges than a grenade or standard pepper spray. With the large ammunition hopper this weapon never needs to be reloaded under normal operating conditions. Less Lethal Shotgun The less lethal shotgun is a Benelli Nova, pump-action shotgun which is always loaded with less than lethal beanbag rounds. It is most often used on an uncooperative suspect or civilian.

The specially designated less lethal shotgun is necessary to eliminate errors that can occur from individually loading lethal or less than lethal munitions into the same weapon. Eumex 322 Pc Software. To remind the operators that this particular weapon is only to be loaded with less than lethal ammunition, it has been painted green.

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