Rpcdump Windows 2008 R2


Any help would be appreciated!:) I have done some research and I am having no luck. Windows 2003 server resource kit had a utility called RPCINFO.EXE. Download Software Rebekka Bakken I Keep My Cool Rar.

Rpcdump Windows 2008 R2

This utility makes a remote procedure call (RPC) to an RPC server and reports what it finds. I have an a Cisco ASA firewall that has DCERPC inspection engine running, yet one (suspected) RPC port is not being picked up by the inspection engine. Thereby not opening up a pinhole to the more secure network. By finding the specific service that is associated with this RPC dynamic port. I can query Cisco as to why there inspection engine is not identifying that service and opening up a pinhole. I have tried nmap with the RPCgrind switch 'nmap -sC ', had no luck.

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I have tried finding the specific service using sys-internals pslist yet it does not refer to the specific services associated with that dynamic port. (48158 in this case on a Domain Controller) The executable is Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (lsass.exe). I can not find the service it represent for that port.:( From a Windows 7 workstation, as well from a Windows 2008 R2 Server, is there a way to extract this information? Is there a known version of RPCINFO.EXE for either of these operating systems?

Rollins The Bridge Rar. Windows 2003 Resource kit tools can be downloaded from the below Microsoft web. Download Windows Resource Kit Tools. Rpcdump.exe; rpcping.exe; rpingc.exe. RPCDump.exe /s FQDN OF. MCITP and was awarded the Microsoft MVP award in Directory Services and Windows. A Quick Tip To Check If Ports Are Listening.

Thanks, Warhawk72.

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